Code Odyssey 2.0 is a 24-hour hackathon organized by the Computer Society of India, Students' Chapter KJ Somaiya Institute of Technology (Sion) , with endless creativity. Students are challenged to demonstrate their knowledge by creating projects that follow their passions. Spending time on projects outside the classroom is the best way to not only learn what you love but also find new interests. You have 24 hours to come up with something new and show us what you've got in a universe with endless possibilities!
Rs. 25,000
Rs. 15,000
Rs. 10,000
08:00 AM
09:00 AM
10:15 AM onwards
01:00 PM onwards
03:00 PM
05:00 PM onwards
08:00 PM onwards
12:00 AM onwards
08:00 AM
09:30 AM onwards
10:30 AM
10:30 AM
01:00 PM
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Delzeen Machhi - +91 80974 52170
Ronit Bhamere - +91 84529 93045